About Beth Bullman Regula
Beth is a South Carolina native and earned her college degree from Winthrop University. She has been an art educator in schools from the foothills of South Carolina to the coast, with a brief time in Atlanta designing computer-based manuals and training programs. In 1983, she married her husband, Dennis, and has since pursued a career as a professional artist.
As I view the world around me, I see everything as moving lines. The crossing, intersecting, and lyrical flow of the lines form the basis of my work. I rarely draw from real life. I use my impressions of life as the basis of my work. I constantly make pencil sketches that are inspired by nature, world events, life and death. As I sit with a pencil and paper, I interpret life as it occurs to me in line drawings. These are more mind drawings than life drawings. Quick line sketches are the beginning of each piece. How the work evolves from these sketches is determined by the materials used. I use wood, paper, fabric, string, clay, and paint as I turn the pencil sketches into the work that I produce. In most cases, realistic images can be determined in the work but the recognition of what the viewer is seeing or not seeing is secondary to the overall image.