Transformation and the catalysts that precipitate change over time are primary sources of motivation for my work. The mechanisms of visual persuasion, such as flags, logos, and emblems: referencing anthems, rituals, and other social-bonding experiences, become the organizing principles for my work. As a printmaker and artist, I am predictably interested in such change methods: Process is an integral part of my work. I am searching for the following translation, the following transformation, as seen through the eyes of history, by the ones that make and experience or suffer that history.
With a background in media and design, I weave complex and multi-layered compositions that address formal concerns. At the same time, I infuse meaning by using contemporary symbols of power, branding, advertising, and signifiers that blur the distinction between governments, religion, and corporations. These source images are re-contextualized into motifs and patterns that overlap and interact to present the viewer with something chaotic and intricate yet, at the same time, familiar.